A Foray into Neuro-stuff

I havenā€™t posted in 3 years. Iā€™m pursuing some private study / learning into Neuroscience generally, and trying to find some interesting, solvable problems I can commit to contributing to, bringing my previous experience in general software engineering.

Iā€™m deliberately avoiding academic research - something like pursuing a PhD. Iā€™ll post about why one day.

What I want to do is share what Iā€™m learning and looking into with some cadence. I could note this privately, but I think there are some benefits to it being public.

  • Iā€™m loosely committed to continue to work and post by talking about it publicly
  • Writing about things forces one to have clarity of thought, so I get a chance to refine my own thinking
  • Assuming I do ā€œget somewhereā€ with this, it could provide a useful roadmap for myself or others on how I got here. (Iā€™d love to elaborate also on what ā€œget somewhereā€ means - again Iā€™ll post why one day.)

The format will evolve as I go.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™m thinking about now

Current wider ideas:

  • For the most part, academic code is poorly readable, not highly reusable, and slow.
  • There is starting to be a heap of data available online, which, so far as I can tell, noone is using cohesively. See OpenNeuro
  • There are a heap of documented problems available online, usually in the form of PhD breifings. See The Florey Institute for an example.

Specific Learnings:

  • It seems like the most available and useful format for gathering information from living brains is the MRI. An MRI can retrieve different data based on running MRI sequences.
  • Tractography is a specific imaging technique based on a set of particular MRI sequences, the DWI (Diffusion Weighted Image)
  • I think this is a good starting resource for tractography, which I got to by following a more recent article on tractography, which was part of a PhD brief: Hot topics in diffusion tractography